What is YoungLives?!
YoungLives is a non-denominational ministry for pregnant and parenting young moms, ages 14-21. It is part of the greater organization, Young Life. In this ministry, there are adult women who serve as mentors and support coordinators, who walk alongside, advocating and championing our young moms and their littles!
In YoungLives, young moms build positive peer relationships and have ongoing, reliable support from their mentors. We host a monthly YoungLives Club meeting, which provides the girls and their children with home cooked meals and leftovers to take home. After dinner, childcare is provided to allow the moms to have a break from parenting, just be a teen and interact with one another. Girls participate in games or the latest TikTok crafts and often guest speakers are brought in on various helpful topics. One of the mentors also shares a message with the girls about God, His great love for them and how He wants to be a part of their daily life. Outside of these monthly gatherings, the mentors spend time with the girls one-on-one or in group settings. Another highlight of the mission is how the 5k proceeds gifts our moms and their littles with the “best week of their lives” at a YoungLife Summer Camp.This ministry impacts a very vulnerable and valuable population. It is a joy for mentors to enter the lives of these young ladies and serve as a source of support and hope.

YoungLives started its work in Hamilton in 2011. Over the last 12 years we’ve championed over 175 young moms and their children and currently walk alongside moms from Fairfield to Middletown. Hamilton YoungLives has been growing ever since, reaching more and more teen moms encouraging them to become the women and mothers God created them to be. The need for YoungLives is great, and the potential is even greater! Together we can transform generations.
Interested in being involved? We welcome groups who’d like to provide a meal, resource providers who’d like to come as a guest speaker, and women interested in mentoring one of our amazing teen moms!
Please reach out to us! Contact Kamie Dixon, YoungLives Director, at 614.581.5430 or dixonkamie@gmail.com